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Catchlight CSRA, a division of Sugar Peach Productions

8 Count Dance Photo Appointment Session Fee


Image of 8 Count Dance Photo Appointment Session Fee

Picture day for 8 Count Academy of Dance is May 17, 2024.

The base cost for each student's session is $35. This includes a gallery of each of your student's favorite costumes, plus each group photo of all of their routines. You will have the opportunity to select from several gorgeous backgrounds, this year, many classical spaces and solid colors, and a few surprise options as well!

The amount paid transforms into spending credit, which can be used towards anything in the store- prints, digitals, gifts, keychains, buttons, mousepads, plaques and statuettes!

We're excited to see you this year! Follow us on Instagram @catchlight.csra to see behind the scenes and updates when galleries go out!